Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Commando news

Fans of Britain's longest running war comic Commando will be pleased to hear there are four new issues in the shops tomorrow. (Or today if you're lucky, as they seem to come out a day early.) Here's the info direct from DC Thomson...

Commando Issues 4727-4730 – On Sale 31 July 2014

Commando No 4727 – Fisherman’s Foes

Fishing, particularly deep-sea fishing, is one of the most dangerous jobs in the world for the sea is a harsh, cruel and unforgiving place to work. So the idea of strapping guns to a trawler and sending it to war might be expected to start a mutiny amongst any crew.
   Not the bunch aboard the Amity, though. They were not only prepared for war, they went looking for it! And that’s when they found themselves facing a legion of…

Story: George Low
Art: Jaume Forns
Cover: Janek Matysiak

Commando No 4728 – Ghost With A Gun

Corporal Benny Walker’s name will never go down in history — but he was the leader of the strangest fighting patrol the British Army had ever known.
   It was some patrol, that one!
   Benny, six yanks and a couple of ghosts. Yes, the ghosts wore uniforms too — and didn’t they get mucked into the Germans!


In the early days, all Commando stories were set in the Second World War. It wasn’t for nearly three decades that they branched out, historically speaking. The only way round this restriction was to introduce substantial flashbacks or to introduce some characters from previous battles. In this case, the introduced characters happen to be ghosts and they just happen to want to use our hero to wipe out the stains of their own misdeeds.
   For fear of spoilers I won’t say any more except that you can enjoy Chaco’s cover and Cueto’s inside art, reasonably safe in the knowledge that those are their real names. The name Du Feu has to be a nom-de-plume, though. Surely!

Calum Laird, Commando Editor

Ghost With A Gun, originally Commando No 104 (February 1964), re-issued as No 611 (January 1972)

Story: Du Feu
Art: Cueto
Cover: Chaco

Commando No 4729 – Balkan Battleground

Sergeant Pete Jenkins, a veteran Commando, was posted to Yugoslavia in the autumn of 1944. His mission was to assist and train a Partisan resistance group in their fight against the brutal occupying Nazis and their followers — a militia known as “The Black Wolves”.
   But there was a snag, the enemy seemed to know the Partisans’ every move. There had to be a traitor in their midst. Everyone was under suspicion — Pete included.

Story: Ferg Handley
Art: Olivera
Cover: Ian Kennedy

Commando No 4730 – The Little Ships

Think of Britain’s fighting navy in the Second World War and you picture towering battleships, mammoth aircraft carriers, powerful cruisers, sleek destroyers. But alongside them are hosts of smaller craft, without whose efforts the mighty fleets could not operate. They are “the little ships” — trawlers, drifters, coastal craft of all kinds. They served on the seas of the world, and this is the story of just two of them…of the ice-cold courage of their crews.


As the title suggests, this memorable maritime tale takes the focus away from sleek Royal Navy vessels and concentrates instead on rather less glamorous vessels. It’s a refreshing change and we get to see an authentically dangerous slice of life in the choppy North Sea. Veteran interior artist Gordon Livingstone delivers the goods as usual but special plaudits go to cover artist Jeff Bevan for his stunning trawler illustration — we can see the rust on the ship’s stern and even below the waterline as the trusty craft surges through the spray of the sea.

Scott Montgomery, Deputy Editor

The Little Ships, originally Commando No 940 (June 1975), re-issued as No 2260 (March 1989)


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