Saturday, September 13, 2014

Current Commando comics

 Here's the PR for the latest four Commando comics that are in the shops now!

Commando Issues 4739-4742 – On Sale 11th September 2014

Commando No 4739 – Attack In Arabia

On the morning of the 28 June 1914, two pistol shots fired in a Sarajevo street had 
plunged the world into war and pitched men of all nations against one another. In the 
world’s first truly global conflict soldiers, sailors and airmen found themselves fighting 
in far-flung battlefields.
   In the arid wastes of the Middle East, British troops faced Turks, Germans and 
Austrians in battles just as wasteful of lives as those on the Western front. This is the 
story of five British soldiers prepared to put their own lives at risk to save thousands 
of others. 
   Men determined to blunt an...

Attack In Arabia


As a tribute to those who served during the years 1914-1918 — on land, sea or in the air; at home or abroad — Commando is producing stories of characters caught up in the tumult of the First World War. None of author George Low’s inventions are real people but we’d like to think that the experiences he has imagined for you will not be far away from what actually happened to so many.
   Last month, the miners of Messines were deep below the earth digging their way towards enemy lines. Other British soldiers, though, fought under the blazing sun of the Middle East where the land was as much an enemy as the soldiers of the Ottoman Empire who they faced.
   I hope you enjoy this and the other stories in the series as much as we have.

Calum Laird, Commando Editor

The series continues in four weeks with In Flanders Skies… Commando No 4747

Story: George Low
Art: Keith Page
Cover: Ian Kennedy

Commando No 4740 – Portrait Of Death

These men had recklessly pursued the blood-cursed painting for itself, and for the military secrets hidden in it. But it hadn’t been called “The Portrait Of Death” for five centuries for nothing…


So, what have we here? A cursed portrait whose evil has brought death throughout history. That seems straightforward enough, but keep your eye on the plot because there a few extra threads woven into the canvas of this one. Eric Hebden’s stories usually give full value and this one’s no exception. The inside art by Cortes — one of some 29 he did for Commando — you’ll be pleased to her is a lot clearer than the plot. Crisp, definite lines and shading only where it’s absolutely needed give a very clear read.
   Ken Barr’s cover couldn’t be clearer either. It tells you exactly what you’re going to get.
   Every picture tells a story…as they say.

Calum Laird, Commando Editor

Portrait Of Death, originally Commando No 120 (Jun 1964), re-issued as No 655 (June 1972)

Story: Eric Hebden
Art: Cortes
Cover: Ken Barr

Commando No 4741 – Mistaken Identity

Second-Lieutenant Ashley Windsor was a good-natured type but a bit naive and impulsive. Serving with an infantry regiment in India, he was the butt of many a joke amongst his fellow officers — especially when he hinted that he was a (very) distant relative to Queen Victoria.
   This silly remark set off an extraordinary chain of events, including a small war against a scheming local tribal leader — who thought he would end up rich if he could capture a member of the British Royal Family!

Story: Ferg Handley
Art: Vila
Cover: Janek Matysiak

Commando No 4742 – Jet Pilot

The photo-reconnaissance Spitfire flew so high and so fast, that it was considered safe from German fighters. Except, that is, when the enemy was an Me262 jet piloted by Max von Mellenburg.
   Max had flown Luftwaffe planes over Britain and Russia with deadly success. Now he was preparing to defend the skies of his homeland as the Allies closed in for the final battle.


Brought to you by a trio of top Commando contributors, this sterling air story features a premise which, when used sparingly, can be very effective, as Alan Hebden shows here. For a change, we are firmly on the side of a German hero — a Luftwaffe pilot who has no allegiance to the arrogant and cowardly Nazis.
   There are stunning aircraft illustrations throughout from Jose Maria Jorge, and Ian Kennedy’s Me262 jet is so dynamically drawn that it looks set to practically soar off the front cover.

Scott Montgomery, Deputy Editor

Jet Pilot, originally Commando No 2263 (March 1989), re-issued as No 3787 (February 2005)

Story: Alan Hebden
Art: J.M. Jorge
Cover: Ian Kennedy


  1. Do you collect these, Lew? I was recommended them around 63/4 by a school chum, along with Hotspur and Hornet. I started buying them again in the 80's, along with the IPC pocket books. It's heartwarming to see them surviving in these times. Long may they continue to do so, eh?

  2. I don't buy them very often as I don't like war comics, but I'm happy to promote them here. There aren't many traditional UK comics left, and Commando is the only survivor of the comics that were launched in the 1960s so it's good that it's still around.

  3. Hi lew used to read these as in the 70's wasn't there a battle as well or is my feeble old mind playing tricks? If so anyone know when it stopped just as a matter of interest thanks paul

  4. That's right Paul, there used to be quite a few different titles. Commando is from DC Thomson, but Fleetway had Battle Picture Library, War Picture Library, and Air Ace Picture Library. There were also several other non-war comics in the same format. Another rival publisher also had similar comics.

    All gone now, except for Commando. The Fleetway ones ended 30 years ago I think, in 1984. There were several chunky books published a few years ago that reprinted several issues though. Well worth tracking down if you're interested.


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