Thursday, September 11, 2014

Jonah, - Plug's Uncle!

I'll keep it brief as I should be at the drawing board but I thought some of you would be interested in hearing that the seafaring calamity known as Jonah has a guest-starring role in this week's Bash Street Kids story in The Beano... as Plug's uncle! 

There's certainly a bit of a family resemblance with the teeth, but is this the first time it's been mentioned? Curiously, the old Beano character Jinx was said to be Jonah's sister, so I guess that makes her Plug's aunt! 

The Bash Street Kids is written by Stu Munro and drawn by Dave Sutherland (who has now been drawing the strip for 52 years!).

For the few of you unfamiliar with Jonah, it was one of The Beano's greatest strips of the 1950s, illustrated by the brilliant Ken Reid. Here's a couple of classic examples of some of the best British comics work to have seen print.

From The Beano No.852, dated november 15th 1958...

From The Beano No.928, dated April 20th 1960...


  1. So glad to see you have managed to write a new post, despite the workload.

  2. Thanks Gerry. Fortunately those old Beanos were within reach so research only took a few minutes. Expect to see more short posts soon.

  3. A few months ago, we had the Jonah Lisa in Roger the Dodger and Roger thought it just looked like Plug in a dress. Must be another long lost member of the family!

  4. Yes, things like that are a good way to integrate old characters into the current Beanotown setting. All good fun.

  5. Love those vintage Jonahs, we musn't forget the lengths he went to , to faithfully reproduce all the crafts he drew!

  6. Excellent seeing these old Jonah strips with Ken Reids art - lovely stuff Lew.

    I like the idea of the Jonah - Plug link and as a kid I don't think I ever noticed the similarity - I also liked the link to the original Keyhole Kate and the new version of the character (her ancestor) you had in the recent annual showing the are different characters - DC and Marvel could use that idea just how long can Spider-man be 20 years old?:)

  7. Good point, John. Ships aren't that easy to draw but Ken mastered it.

    Paul, I must admit the idea of having the old version of a character as an ancestor wasn't original. In his recent Dennis the Menace scripts, Nigel Auchterlounie has established that the Dennis of 'our' generation is the current one's dad, so new Dennis' granddad looks like the Dennis' Dad of old (bald, stripey suit).

    These things aren't locked into continuity forever of course but it's a fun way to explain changes and longevity.


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