Friday, September 19, 2014

New look for 2000AD

Cover art by Greg Staples.
Next week Britain's longest-running adventure comic weekly 2000AD reaches the landmark issue Prog 1900, and gets a facelift with a new design and masthead. 

The issue also sees the start of three new stories, with two others to begin the following week. The Forbidden Planet International Blog has the full details, along with previews of the strips, so check it out now:

2000AD Prog 1900, on sale Wednesday 24th September. Still only £2.45.


  1. They should have changed the title to 3000 AD - it's a bit stupid having a futuristic comic with a title that's 14 years out of date.

  2. They did copyright the title 3000AD years ago with a one off comic as a free gift, but I think the general opinion is that 2000AD is such an established name / brand now that they'd be better off sticking with it. Besides, not all the strips are set in the future, some are centuries in the past, so the title isn't strictly reflective of the content.

  3. I'm still worried if George Orwell's big brother is going to be watching us in 1984!!

  4. The daily hate is certainly around in some places unfortunately, and it lasts longer than two minutes.


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