Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Calculus Cat collected

Published in time for the Lakes International Comic Art Festival last week was Hunt Emerson's Calculus Cat, a smartly produced A4 book consisting of 112 pages collecting all of his strips of the aforementioned moggy and new material to boot!

The book was funded through Kickstarter, as I mentioned here back in June, and managed to reach its target of £10,000 thanks to 338 backers. The standard edition is in paperback, but those who pledged over £20 received a limited hardback edition. 

I've been a fan of Hunt's work since the 1970s when I first saw his strips in the underground comics produced by the Birmingham Arts Lab. His distinctively energetic, surreal, and genuinely funny work raises the spirits and is pure comics. This collection of Calculus Cat strips, ranging back over 30 years and including brand new material, is a prime example of Hunt's best humour work. What is also evident is how Hunt has mastered the art of black and white comics. No colour is necessary; this is superbly balanced work. 

To add a bonus to the volume, Hunt invited a bunch of us comic types to contribute our own spin on Calculus Cat for a gallery section in the back of the book. My own humble effort is there and I'm proud to share pages with such great talents as Kevin O'Neill, Gilbert Shelton, Dave McKean, Graham Higgins, Roger Langridge, Phil Elliott, Kate Charlsworth, Steve Pugh and many more.

Calculus Cat is published by Knockabout and is available to buy now.

Directly from Hunt Emerson:

From Knockabout books:

or from Knockabout's eBay store:


  1. Mine arrived in the post this morning!

    Already had the original Calculus collection, but the new material in this book's definitely worth it.

  2. Yes, it's a great collection. Hunt's one of the best artists we have so it's always a pleasure to support his work. Have you seen his adaptations of the classics, such as Rime of the Ancient Mariner and Dante's Inferno? Brilliant work.

  3. I've got Lady Chatterly's Lover, and Dante's Inferno is on my Xmas list... Didn't know he'd done Rime of the Ancient Mariner though!

    My favourite "items" of his currently on the shelf are his Phenomenomix collection, and The Big Book of Everything.

    I'd like to see a collected Arsover Tit one day, but that might be a bit too niche for publishers.

  4. Oh, and the Firkin collections are ridiculously funny!

  5. I studied The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner for English 'O' Level and recently read it again as an e-book. A comic-strip adaptation would be very interesting - I've often wondered why nobody has ever thought of doing a film version.

  6. Lew Im not familiar with the strip Calculus cat would it be adult in its contents or is it suitable for everyone. Artwork looks great.

  7. I don't recall any 'adult' content such as bad language or suchlike, Orietta, but it might not be suitable for the very young.

  8. I recently picked up "Dogman" by Hunt Emerson a book Ive been after sine the early 80s - sadly I missed picking up Hunts "Dantes Inferno", I will need to add that to my Christmas wish list - I can't recall any bad language in Calculus Cat although I only have "Death To Television" certainly his "Firkin the Cat" collections which I picked up in all innocence needs (and has) a for adults warning - Hunts "Rime of the Ancient Mariner" and "Casenova;s last stand " are excellent you wont be disappointed - did anyone else pick up Hunts amazing very large sized Frankenstein strip/ poster that was given away in an edition of "Comic Heroes" a few years ago??

  9. Emerson's 'Citymouth' is a real hoot as well.

  10. Paul, I remember that Frankenstein poster - it was the first time I'd seen the proper Mary Shelley original story rather than a film version. I've since read the novel as an e-book.

  11. I bought Comic Heroes every issue so I must have that poster somewhere! (No, it's not on my walls. I've checked.)


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