Wednesday, October 01, 2014

DC Thomson revive old titles

Just time for a quick news item. Thanks to members on Comics UK for spotting this. Comic titles we thought we'd never see again have been revived by DC Thomson in the form of four hardback annuals. The Best of The Hotspur, The Best of Bunty, The Best of The Topper and The Best of The Beezer are now available (in 'limited copies') from the DC Thomson shop:

'Best of' no doubt means they'll be all-reprint, (even the covers are from old annuals) but this is still exciting news for collectors of British comics. Let's hope they sell well so more may follow next year! 


  1. No Sparky annual? Boo! Are D.C. Thompson bringing these comics back as weeklies? Will they have new stories? How much will they cost? Answers please, when you're ready!

  2. All I know about the books are what's above, and on the link I provided. I doubt they'll be revived as regular comics.

    It's DC Thomson, - no 'p' by the way. A common mistake for some reason.

  3. Ooohh they look good thanks for showing these Lew - I think I'll treat myself to the Hotspur (maybe the Beezer as well)

    Anon - Sadly no mention of what is in the Beezer or Topper but Hotspur has Grasshopper Green, X-Bow, King Cobra and The Gun Doctor (although I only recall King Cobra) .

  4. I might buy the Hotspur one as it was a comic I had on and off and I preferred it to the other Thomson adventure comics.

    If the covers are reflective of the content, the Beezer and Topper books will focus on the 1980s, but hopefully they'll cover a wider range of years than that.

  5. I used to read The Topper and The Beezer from about 1971 until November '74 when I discovered POTA and Marvel comics but I still continued to get The Topper and Beezer (and Beano) annuals for several years so it's nice to see them here. I thought it was DC Thompson with a 'p' as well - I stand corrected !!

  6. The best Beezer and Topper stories were in the 80's? Really??? Too bad, I was a kid reading those comics in the 1970's!!!!

  7. The best Beezer and Topper stories were in the 80's? Really??? Too bad, I was a kid reading those comics in the 1970's!!!!

  8. Well, I'm only going by the covers, Marko, but perhaps I shouldn't judge a book by its cover. :)

    No worries, Colin, it's a common mistake but one that I felt needed mentioning because I see it crop up so often. Newspapers often mis-spell it too.

  9. Anybody know if they're "best of's" from the comics themselves, or the annuals? The first Best of The Victor book was from the harder-to-get comic, but second one was all stuff reprinted from the annuals, for £16.99! You could ebay a whole heap of original annuals for that. Even the first one is only from 1966, which wasn't that long ago, book-collecting wise.

  10. It sounds like they're reprints from the annuals but until anyone sees a copy I suppose we won't know for sure.

  11. Picked up the Beezer & Topper annuals along with the Best of Whizzer and Chips, which was a favorite since the day it came out.

    I was a big fan of 'Sid the Snake'.

  12. Interesting. I haven't seen any of these 'Best of' books yet but will receive a couple this week.


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