Monday, October 13, 2014

Whizzer and Chips returns... if you're lucky!

Presumably in celebration of this year being the 45th anniversary of Whizzer and Chips, Egmont have published a 72 page hardback collecting old annual strips. However, The Best of Whizzer and Chips Annual is exclusive to Sainsbury's... and sadly not all branches are stocking it. 

I'm not quite sure who these 'exclusive' arrangements benefit. Certainly not the potential readers who can't find copies in their local stores. Surely not the publishers, who must lose some sales from such limited distribution? Seems a win-win situation for the retailer to me.

There is also a similar book, The Best of the 70s Girls Comics Annual, and apparently one reprinting strips from Battle, but they are also restricted to the same 'exclusive' deal. The books are priced at a very reasonable £3.99 each. You may be fortunate if your local Sainsbury's is stocking them. Good luck!


  1. I would like to own this..the hunt is on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I don't have a local Sainsbury's and since March no local WH Smith's either :(

  3. I wouldn't be surprised if my local Smiths closed in a year or two. I don't think head office understands how their policy of telling staff to promote extras with every purchase is putting customers off. Plus their resistance of giving receipts unless you insist, trying to sell flimsy little plastic bags, stocking mags in deep dark shelves where you have to hunt for them, arrogant attitudes.... none of it is good customer relations.

    Most customers just want to go in, easily find what they want, and buy it. The way Smiths used to work successfully. The way they built a good reputation, which I think they're now losing.

  4. Had a glance in my local Sainsburys this morning which had the full set of annuals.
    The DC Thomson ones look the best as it looks like they've had access to decent source material.
    The IPC ones look to have been photocopied from old, yellowing annuals.
    On first glance I suspect the Battle annual may recycle material from the "Best Of Battle" collection from a few years back.

    Have managed to resist temptation so far !

  5. Thanks for the info. I'm surprised to hear they scanned pages from annuals as Egmont should have inherited all the original files on film from Fleetway. Still, who knows what goes on when companies change hands?

  6. The yellow tint is to make the pages look old the reprints look fine to me..

    Now the best of Topper and Beezer is on my list for the hunt..
    does it reprint from all eras or more recent?

  7. Nice one Lew. I'll go on the hunt in my local Sainsbury's

  8. No copies around here but someone's kindly offered to get them from their nearest Sainsbury's.

    Yes, I'd like to know what the DCT books contain too. Pages from a range of decades or just 80s/90s material?

  9. Found these annuals in a discount bookshop in Scarborough for a quid each so looks like they are starting to turn up in other stores


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