Sunday, November 30, 2014

Here come the STIKKUMS!

Okay, it's not a comic, but it does feature artwork by a comic artist, - namely me! Stikkums, the new app that I told you about on my other blog a few weeks ago, is now approved by Apple and available to download for the iPad. As I mentioned before, the idea is Dan Whitehead's and I did all of the artwork, which was a very enjoyable job indeed. 

Stikkums is a behavioral reward app for kids, whereby parents set their children targets, to be rewarded with points they can use to 'buy' various character 'stickers'. There are 20 characters and two backgrounds per pack, that kids (or adults if you want a dabble) can use in unlimited scenarios. And yes, once you've unlocked a character you can use the same one if you wish multiple times. Build your own army! 
As it's all digital, the characters can be moved around the backgrounds at any time, flipped, rotated, resized, even coloured if you prefer a different colour scheme. You get the Knights pack free with the download, and other packs (Space and Monsters so far) to purchase at just 69p a pack.
Hopefully the success of Stikkums will lead to more work for me in creating more sticker packs, so if you have an iPad I'd appreciate you downloading the app. Find out more on the Stikkums website here:

Here's the link directly to the iTunes store to download the app:

All Stikkums artwork shown in this post is Copyright © The Zebra Partnership 2014.

1 comment:

  1. Very very nice looking art Lew - I really like the knights (especially the one with the helmet) a lot - good to see you expanding your work and this looks like an area your style would fit very well into I can see you getting more commissions like this.


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