Saturday, December 13, 2014

New UK comic: Meanwhile...

I bought this comic at the Lakes International Comic Festival back in October but I've only just gotten around to plugging it here. The debut of a new British comic is always something to welcome and Meanwhile... No.1 is an interesting package. Published by Soaring Penguin Press, the 56 page anthology for mature readers contains a variety of stories and styles. The first thing that's notable about it is that it features a brand new Strangehaven chapter by Gary Spencer Millidge. 

As many of you will know, Strangehaven was a independently published comic by Gary that was centred around a seemingly ordinary English village that contained dark secrets. It was favourably compared in certain ways to TV's Twin Peaks but Strangehaven had its own unique character. If you were a fan of the comic you'll be pleased to know that Meanwhile... features an excellent new 16 page chapter in full colour, recapping the events so far and moving things forward. (And if you've never read Strangehaven, treat yourself for Christmas to Volume 1 - or all three volumes, today!)  

The other strips in Meanwhile... include a selection of complete strips and the first part of the serials 10 Minutes by Yuko Rabbit, and The Bad, Bad Place by David Hine and Mark Stafford. It's Hine and Stafford's ten pager that's another highlight of the issue I think, with an intriguing script and fantastic artwork.

The one-off strips are a mixed bag but all worth a read with some distinctive artwork. They include the three Comics Unmasked Competition winners and my particular favourite was the amusing Peas in our Time by Sean Bright.

The intention is for Meanwhile... to be published every two months. Issue 1 is still available from the publisher at a very reasonable £4.95 and subscriptions are available. To find out more go to the Soaring Penguin website here:


  1. Thanks, Lew. I would never have known of its existence and now, after reading the first two issues, I have taken out a subscription.

    The Bad Bad Place is fast becoming my favourite strip with its intriguing storyline. I love the artwork btw.

  2. You're welcome Sid. I haven't seen issue 2 yet.

  3. It's good although suffice to say that it is definitely for older readers compared the likes of The Beano and The Phoenix. ;)

    I doubt that even 2000AD would print one of its strips due to content.


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