Monday, February 02, 2015

Forgotten UK Superheroes: LIEUTENANT LIGHTNING

There have been many British superheroes over the years. Some of them forgotten, some of them deservedly forgettable. Case in point, Lieutenant Lightning from Smash! Annual 1969. A one-off strip exclusive to that annual, never to be revived. Spider-Man it's not, but it's an entertaining enough story and no worse than some B-list American superheroes of the time. The redeeming factor is the excellent artwork by the always-reliable Tom Kerr. An artist who always mastered whatever theme he was given, whether it was mystery, western, humour, action, - or in this case superheroes. 


  1. Is this Tom Kerr the same artist who used to illustrate the Lady Penelope and Monkees annuals back in the day? The style looks very similar.

  2. Yes, that's him. He drew loads of strips over the years for various comics from Lion to Look-In. You'll find some more pages by him on older posts on my blog if you put his name in the search windows.

  3. Thanks for sharing this, Lew. Never seen it before!
    How's this for a forgotten UK super-hero :-
    Thorpe & Porter's Miracle Man (and Supercoat) !?!?

  4. I recognise the character with the red scarf in the bottom left corner of the cover....have a feeling he was in a shiver and shake annual(?).

  5. That's the great Grimly Feendish, Keith. He had his own strip in Smash! every week which Shiver and Shake later reprinted (plus they added new ones I think). You'll find more about him in older posts by putting his name in the search window.

  6. John, I had a copy of T&P's Miracle Man. Not sure if I still have it but if I do I'll show a few pages here sometime.

  7. I, for one, welcome our new Thog overlords...
    Hope you uncover some more forgotten superheroes soon, Lew.

  8. Thanks Steve. So much forgotten stuff, so little time.

  9. The thing I love about this blog is that it's really making me appreciate artists who I took for granted when I was young. I have clear memories of Tom Kerr's Bilko strip in TV21 and Solo and the Crowther and Fenn St Gang ones in Look-In. It's great to see all the other work he did. More please Lew.

  10. I'll be showing more of Tom Kerr's work soon Colin.


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