Sunday, March 22, 2015

Birthday fun

I've never been one for making a big fuss of my own birthday. I had presents as a kid of course, gratefully received, but I never had a party (or wanted one) except for my grandad and aunt joining us for tea or suchlike. Around our way in the 1960s/70s, birthday celebrations were something you grew out of as you got older, and it was the same for most of my friends. Don't get me wrong; I had a happy childhood so I don't feel I missed out at all. Different strokes for different folks and all that.

That's not to say I don't appreciate it when people send cards or wish me a happy birthday of course. Take a look at these two fine pieces of artwork posted on my Facebook page today by fellow artists. The one above of Brickman is by the brilliant Nigel Dobbyn and it's absolutely fantastic. Many of you will know Nigel's work from a variety of comics such as 2000AD, Sonic the Comic and The Beano. A really top artist and good bloke and I'm chuffed that he took the time to draw that image. Check out his website here:

I'm equally chuffed with this excellent loose and lively Man-Brick sketch by the incredibly talented Peter Richardson. Peter was also a Sonic the Comic contributor in its early days and has since widened his portfolio with numerous strip and illustration work over the years. Take a look at his website here:

Anyway, good art is worth sharing so I thought I'd post them here. Terrific digital birthday cards from two great UK artists. Thanks lads! I'm very pleased with them.


  1. Happy birthday !! My birthday was last month and I bought a cake and a bottle of cider. I'll be getting an Easter egg too - I'm 49 but so what, you only live once :)

  2. Thanks Colin. I've been informed I share my birthday with William Shatner and the Dali Lama so I'm going clubbing with them later. Ha! :)

  3. Happy birthday Lew. you're still a youngster!! Ha ha...Get Mr Shatner to sing you a song from one of his albums. ...He's a seriously funny guy on record..He can make Pulp sound like Shakespeare.

  4. Thanks paddykool! Yes, Shatner can do the Karaoke. :)

  5. Happy birthday, Lew! I shall try and remember next year! As Paddykool says, you are indeed a youngster! ( I'm the same age as Paddy!)

  6. Thanks John. No worries. As I said, I don't make a fuss about it. The only reason I mentioned it this year was to show those nice pieces of artwork. The most exciting thing I did yesterday was walk to Sainsburys.


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