Thursday, April 09, 2015

Latest sale of original artwork

Here's an unusual item from my art archive. Back in 1991 one of the several strips I drew for The Viz Pathetic Sharks Bumper Special was the Albert O'Balsam and his Magic Hat strip above. The script was by Chris Donald, and I drew it based on layouts from an earlier unpublished version by Roger Langridge. 

I've put the complete two page strip on eBay this week, along with another item, a Vampire Brats page from Buster from around the same year. If you're interested you'll find them by clicking here: Buy my stuff please!   

Bidding ends on Sunday 12th April. All bids very much appreciated! 


  1. Have you met Simon "Him Off The Viz"?
    One of my brother-in-laws did in Newcastle during the very early years. Before he moved down South, we would always get him the Viz annual every Christmas. He would say, " I KNOW what my present's going to be!" But, he agreed we couldn't choose better for him!

  2. Yes I've known all the Viz lads for nearly 30 years. I've met Simon a few times at social events.

  3. Like 2000AD, Viz is a comic I've never read but UNlike 2000AD Viz is on sale in Tesco 'cause I've seen it (now that my local WH Smith's has closed I have to rely on Tesco for magazines - thankfully Tesco are pretty good on the whole). I only know Viz by its' reputation....

    1. Hi Col, our Tescos stock both 2000AD and Judge Dredd-the Megazine. Have you tried them on a Saturday? Perhaps they only get a couple of copies and someone is beating you to it? Therre's a pretty good line up back in 'Twoothy' at the present! Right, Lew?

  4. I'm amazed you haven't read either comic in over 35 years of publication Colin. I don't know what you've heard but Viz has received an unfair rep at times, with some people thinking it's only about crude humour. Much of its appeal is because of its social satire. Why not give it a try?

  5. To be honest I wasn't too impressed by the 'jumping on point' as the stories were actually continued from their previous runs of months ago. I'll probably stick with it though as I've been reading it since issue 1. (I tend to throw issues out after a year or so though.)

    Not all Tesco branches stock it but the best day to check would be Wednesday, the day of publication, rather than Saturday when they might be gone.

  6. Lew, I considered trying Viz just the other week so I'll probably give it a go one of these days. John, as Lew says not all Tesco stores stock 2000AD but I'll keep checking whenever I pass the comics - my Tesco seems to sell everything EXCEPT 2000AD.


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