Friday, May 01, 2015

Here comes The Flash!

Next Thursday (May 7th) sees Titan Comics publish The Flash No.1, a 100 page full colour comic featuring DC Comics' Scarlet Speedster, reprinting a few of his contemporary adventures.

Although the character has appeared in numerous UK comics over the years, I believe this is the first time that The Flash has had his own British title since the early 1960s, when Thorpe and Porter published a black and white reprint series.

Titan's The Flash No.1 is only a one-off for now, presumably to test sales. I'm speculating that a regular series might follow if it proves successful enough. Hopefully the comic will attract a lot of interest due to The Flash TV show.

The Flash No.1 will be priced at £3.99, which is pretty good value for 100 full colour pages. You can find out more, and how to buy a copy by post if you prefer, by visiting Titan's website here:     


  1. I wish it well, but a more obvious tie - in with the show would have helped.

  2. This is news to me. It may do well on the back of the TV series.
    Those B&W Thorpe & Porter UK comics were still going in the 60's, I had one or two of them, one with Gorilla Grodd on the cover.

  3. You're right, John. I've just checked and The Flash didn't even get his own DC comic until 1959. Seems I was misinformed. I'll correct my post. Thanks.

  4. I wonder why there wasn't a DC UK in the same vein as Marvel ? Well, that DC's loss because I've been a lifelong Marvel fan thanks to Marvel UK while I can count on my fingers the number of DC comics I've read.

  5. There have been lots of British DC reprint comics over the years, dating back to the 1950s. Not to the same extent as Marvel UK/Panini though.

    Perhaps DC never felt their comics would catch on the same way in the UK? I don't know, although DC's adult imprint Vertigo had a London office for a while but that was mainly to coordinate and communicate with all the UK talent they were publishing in the USA.

  6. Back in the late 80's and early 90's London Editions Magazines put out quite a number of DC reprint comics, back in those days they were 2000ad sized softcover magazines, I believe they were either 48 or 52 pages long.

    Two of the more interesting titles were DC Action and Zones which were magazine sized with cardstock covers. DC action lasted 6 bimonthly issues and contained reprints of Wolfman/Perez era Teen Titans, Grant Morrison's Animal Man and The Creeper. Zones handled vertigo style material like Swamp Thing and Howard Chaykin's "The Shadow". Both were high quality magazines printed on good paper with bright attractive covers. They were expensive though which probably doomed them.

    Although I gave away the flimsier Batman and Superman titles I'm glad I held on to DC Action and Zones, they're still fine looking comics.

  7. Yes I remember those. There was also Super DC monthly in 1969/70 and The Super-Heroes in the 1980s amongst others from various companies.

  8. Cheesed off. I paid £3.99 for this comic and it ends on a cliffhanger TO BE CONTINUED IN JUSTICE LEAGUE TRINITY 9 OUT ON 23 JULY!

  9. Really? A wait of 11 weeks? That doesn't sound good. A one shot should be self contained in my opinion.


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