Friday, May 08, 2015


I'm currently re-reading the excellent V for Vendetta by Alan Moore and David Lloyd, set in a bleak version of Britain where there's little hope for those the ruling right wing party stigmatises. 

Seems appropriate given today's election results and the direction in which this country is heading.  


  1. HERE,HERE! I echo that completey!
    In fact, as soon as I saw the thumbnail for this post, I thought, "We couldn't half do with V today!"
    GOD HELP the poor, the sick and the vulnerable now! Who knows what other evil that tyrant dictator has in store for them?
    Ghettos? Striped pyjamas?

  2. As I've just said to David Lloyd, the book is even more relevant today than it was in the eighties. The way the anger of the public has been carefully misdirected away from bankers and towards immigrants, the unemployed, and the disabled is abominable. Wake up, England! You're being manipulated like puppets.

    On a positive note, Farage lost.

    1. It's all these benefits programmes that have turned the general public against anyone on any benefit. It was all propaganda to make people believe they are all scum, so that Cameron can treat them any despicable way he liked.
      And it worked!

  3. could be worse.. Labour could be in charge.. seeing as V is a cheap rip-off of 1984 (a lot of Moore's "Original" work seams to be for some reason)...

    Labour, the party that has the most upperclass members, the most who were bankers, have the most employees on zero-hour contracts etc..

    really, I shouldn't post this cause I long ago try to avoid learning people, even more ones I like and respect, own political views cause I haven't meant one that I don't think is an idiot in there views.. since I'm basically on the unemployed and disabled list.. people are meant to hate me? not noticed that.. I noticed people hate me cause i'm a MAJOR volunteer.. they would prefer I sit around a pub or at home getting boozed up and being a fag-bag.. wouldn't have as much trouble if I was a git like that..

  4. People can only speak from their own experiences and I'm glad to hear yours are better than some other unemployed and disabled people I've heard about. Good luck when the NHS is gone or when you lose benefits because you're unable to work.

    V isn't a rip off of 1984, cheap or otherwise. They're both set in a totalitarian Britain but the storylines are different.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Yes, I'm sure the Tories won't have it all their own way, which is one consolation.


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