Sunday, June 21, 2015

Check out the Jinty blog

For a blog about British comics I'm afraid my Blimey! blog has been quite remiss in covering comics published for girls. This is mainly because I don't know a great deal about them, having never read them when growing up, and having never contributed to those comics as an adult. It just wasn't the done thing for boys to read girls comics, and as a result I never gave them a second thought. (Although I appreciate now that many boys did read them, often those of their sisters.) Subsequently I missed out on a lot of great artwork and stories. I have bought some in recent years and will make an effort to feature them more often here. 

However, one blog that is devoted to the subject is Jenni Scott's excellent A Resource on Jinty, which has just celebrated its 300th post. Superbly written and researched, the blog covers the artists, writers, and stories related to IPC's Jinty weekly and its related titles. It's essential reading for anyone interested in the subject so check it out at this link:

(Cover scans from Jenni's blog.)


  1. Until I saw the cover of #26, I'd forgotten that members of the transgender community were frequently offered as prizes back in 1974...
    I share your lack of knowledge about girls' comic artists, but as part of our new comic art collection at the Cartoon Museum, we recently bought some amazing pages from 'Tina/Princess Tina'. They used an artist called Leslie Otway whose wash and line work is up there with any of the greats. And there's loads of other good stuff that I'll have to bone up on. I'm beginning to feel that we missed out on some great comics.

  2. 'Super Trannies' too, so top quality.

    I must get to the museum thus summer. I doubt I'll manage it for a while yet though, which is a bit pathetic considering it's only just over an hour on the train. I'll be in London for the LFCC next month, but that's at Olympia so won't have time to drop in then.

  3. Good link, and I'm one of those that read their sisters,.. Annuals, I suppose more than comics. Misty scared the beJayus out of me!

  4. Not having any siblings I never got to see any girls comics around the house so they were just things I didn't even glance at in shops. I remember some newsagents used to segregate them anyway; boys comics and humour comics on one side of a wire display shelf and girls comics and nursery comics on the other side.


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