Tuesday, June 09, 2015

Dredd gets a new look

There's a slick new look to Judge Dredd Megazine next week with a redesigned logo and the start of new four new strips. Issue 361, on sale Wednesday 17th June, will contain Judge Dredd: El Maldito by Gordon Rennie and Carlos Ezquerra, Storm Warning by Leah Moore, John Reppion and Tom Foster, Lawless by Dan Abnett and Phil Winslade, and Demon Nic by Paul Grist.

That's a really strong line up of talent, so a perfect time to start reading the comic. It'll also come bagged with a magazine format graphic novel reprint of a collected Finn serial by Pat Mills, Tony Skinner, Jim Elson and Kevin Wicks which appeared in 2000AD in the 1990s. 

Judge Dredd Megazine No.361, priced £5.70, on sale 17th June.

Cover image from the excellent First Comics News website which you can find here:


  1. Great cover, nice redesign. Surprised there is no 2000AD logo on it somewhere.
    You're right too that's a VERY strong line up, I am especially looking forward to Paul Grist's contribution. The creator owned slot is a real strength for the Meg, most of which I have enjoyed, some have overstayed their welcome a bit, but its only a small quibble.

  2. They haven't had the 2000AD logo on there for quite a while now. I must admit I'll always prefer the original Dredd logo from 2000AD, and I think that'd have more of an effect to attract the notice of lapsed readers, but I hope this redesign does the trick. It is very similar to the current 2000AD logo though so I hope we're not about to see a case of match and merge a few months down the line. I'm sure it's more a case of giving both comics a sort of house style though so they'll both be around for quite a while yet.

  3. I see that Dredd destroyed the old logo on the previous issue's cover.

  4. I haven't been to impressed with the few Megazines I have picked up over the last year or so but this looks nice and with Paul Grist contributing I will be giving this antoher chance -thanks for showing this.

  5. I wouldn't worry about them merging, no chance of either of them going away any time soon. As for the creator-owned stuff, I only started last year and American Reaper was the longest piece of drivel I've ever read, in my opinion of course. Also, after reading so many Oink! photo stories recently I just couldn't take it seriously.

  6. I haven't read the Meg for a while myself. The strips didn't interest me enough to pay over a fiver an issue, but this revamp looks interesting so I'll definitely pick it up.

  7. A bit far down your blog list but in case anyone is looking at this and is thinking of purchasing this book. I picked up this issue of the Megazine and at £5.70 its a hefty price for me to pay as its a book I have never failed to be unimpressed with when I have bought it over the last 3 or so years BUT this is a good one. I bought it for Paul Grists strip and as always his work never fails to impress me, its excellent and imho has some of his best art and its a good story that I want to know what happens next with. All other strips are very good also with very good art ( as is the "free" book Finn) - it is well worth a punt .

  8. Agreed. I think they've gone for a very strong line up for the boom issue, hoping to bring back readers. I haven't followed the Meg regularly for a long time but I like this issue. I was never a fan of Finn though.

  9. I wish it was available down here in Chile!

  10. You could get the digital version. Not quite the same as having the paper edition I know, but the next best alternative?



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