Saturday, June 27, 2015

New Grindhouse, new character

American publisher Dark Horse have just published Grindhouse: Drive In, Bleed Out No.6, and on the back page you'll find my newest creation, Sex Pest! - a story about pubic lice. (Sorry kids, it's adults only!) Don't worry, the obnoxious misogynist gets his just desserts, and to find out how, pick up an issue from your nearest comics speciality store or buy the digital edition from the Dark Horse app.  

Sex Pest! is only the back up strip. The main feature in the comic is part two of Lady Danger: Agent of B.O.O.T.I. by Alex de Campi and Mulele Jarvis. You can read a preview of a few pages over on the CBR website:


  1. great to see your work appearing in an American comic. I will definitely be buying this one. The strip looks fun - an amalgam of Georgie's Germs and The Nervs seen through the twisted prism of Viz. Hope there are more to follow

  2. Thanks Dave. That's a pretty accurate summary of what inspired it. I've done a few other strips for Grindhouse previous to this. Issue 1 saw KING-FU CHEESECAKE:

    ...and issue 2 featured SNOWMANIC!:

    I also did a 20 part Brickman series which ran in the back of ELEPHANTMEN comic (from Image Comics) several years ago. I really must collect those into a comic one day:


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