Tuesday, June 02, 2015

New interview with Dave Gibbons

Comics Laureate and one of the best artists in the business Dave Gibbons was interviewed at his studio for The Superhero Show recently and you can now see it online at this link:

Dave talks at length about his career, right from the early days to the present, and of his time working with Alan Moore and Mark Millar. Dave's always been a very articulate and interesting speaker so the 45 minute interview is well worth listening to.

There's also a very brief glimpse of Dave drawing the cover to the upcoming book that will reprint his Dan Dare strips from 2000AD
Images taken from screen grabs of the interview.


  1. Great feature on Dave Gibbons, Lew . He seems a lovely fella. Of course I've been aware of his work forever, but it's great that the enthusiasm is still intact.

  2. I've known Dave for over 30 years but I rarely see him these days. Back in the early 1980s when we used to attend the Westminster Comic Marts he urged me to buy Ken Muse's book on cartooning and it proved to be a very useful and informative book full of great tips for new cartoonists. It's still on my shelf in my studio. Some of the tips have been superseded in the computer age but it's still a great book.


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