Thursday, July 23, 2015

Thurs-Day of the Doctor

Today sees the publication of the latest Doctor Who Magazine, which contains the start of a new Doctor Who comic strip, Spirits of the Jungle. The 12 page strip stars the twelfth Doctor and Clara and is written by Jonathan Morris with excellent artwork by John Ross and colours by James Olfredi. 

There's also another Daft Dimension strip by me (and I've just this morning emailed the one for the next issue to the editor).

The rest of the magazine is of course packed with features, including a new interview with Colin Baker on performing the final days of the sixth Doctor for an upcoming Big Finish audio, the life story of scriptwriter Malcolm Hulke, The Fact of Fiction on the third Doctor story The Monster of Peladon, and much more. For full info, see the DWM website:

Doctor Who Magazine No.489, 84 pages, published by Panini. In shops today, priced £4.99. 

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