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Thursday, August 20, 2015

Into the time vortex

The new issue of Doctor Who Magazine is out today, with another 84 pages of great material. Amongst the many features there's the regular 12 page comic strip of course, with part two of Spirits of the Jungle by Jonathan Morris and John Ross (with colours by James Offredi). Anyone who believes the myth that British comics don't have the standard of artwork they used to needs to look at this. Fantastic work by John Ross.

There's also another Daft Dimension strip by me, in which you'll meet this trio...

Plus illustrations for The Time Team feature by Adrian Salmon...

Doctor Who Magazine No.490 is in the shops today, priced £4.99.

Let's not forget DWM's companion mag for younger readers. Doctor Who Adventures No.5 came out last week with 36 pages of stories, features, and fun, plus free gifts. 

There's a complete 9 page comic strip featuring the 12th Doctor and Clara in Trust by Jason Quinn and Russ Leach... a three page text story featuring The Paternoster Gang

Doctor Who Adventures No.5, out now, £3.99.

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