Thursday, August 20, 2015

Johnny Red returns in a new comic

Classic 1980s British comics character Johnny Red returns this November courtesy of London based publisher Titan Comics, by arrangement with Egmont UK.

The monthly eight-issue mini-series Johnny Red is written by Garth Ennis and illustrated by Keith Burns. With a 'mature readers' advisory it promises to be a grittier take on the character than that of his days in the boys weekly Battle-Action. Ideal then for those who grew up with the character and who are now adults. (Although I suspect some will still want him exactly as he was in 1980.)

Johnny Red No.1 goes on sale in November and will be available from comic book speciality shops (not newsagents). However, from personal experience some shops order low on non-superhero comics so I'd advise placing an advance order right away to ensure your copy.

For more details of Johnny Red and the other Titan Comics being published in November, see the Bleeding Cool website here:

For an interview with artist Keith Burns, see the excellent The Beat website here:


  1. I'm not really that aware of this character as I didn't read a lot of UK comics in the 80s but this looks nice - I'll look out for it next time I'm in FP - always interested in comics like this so thanks for the "heads up" Lew

  2. I was a big Johnny Red fan when I was a kid so Garth Ennis must have read my mind. If Nina Petrova is in it as well, I may start dancing.

  3. She is indeed. Better dance to your nearest comic shop quickly though, as issue 2 is out already.


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