Friday, August 14, 2015

Normal service will be resumed

My apologies for not featuring many blog posts about old comics recently. It's a busy time at present and posts like those take a while to do, selecting pages, scanning, researching, writing the feature, etc. (The recent one on old joke mags was partially compiled months ago so that didn't take so long.) 

At the moment I'm still putting together pages for the Brickman Returns! comic that I hope will be out by the end of the month. I'm also working on my regular strips too of course, plus there's a convention coming up, so it's left little free time for blogging. Normal service will resume soon, but posts on old comics may still be infrequent for a while. (More conventions coming up, plus we start on the 2017 annual pages very soon.)

Anyway, I hope you'll bear with me and will keep checking Blimey! and my other blog for updates.

If any of you are at the Sheffield Film and Comic Con tomorrow (15th August) drop by my table! I'm only there for the day but the event runs to two days. I'll probably do a quick blog post about it on Sunday if I remember to take photos.


  1. No worries, Lew, take all the time you need.

  2. Its great you are keeping your blog going...

  3. I know how long it can take me to cover these old comics, whether that's an issue of Oink! or a series of comics (the latter of which takes much longer I have to say), so the effort you're consistently putting in is really appreciated by this fan of your blog, Lew. When we think about the amount of work you've got on, as well as your convention appearances and the fact you're compiling Brickman Returns too, the fact you're still putting out such quality posts with plenty of actual content speaks volumes!

  4. It's a superb blog. I check every day for new posts & always find them of interest.

  5. Thanks folks. Much appreciated.

    Yes Phil, I could choose the lazy option as some do, and just nick images from other sites and pretend they're mine, but I think visitors to my blogs deserve better than that. Hopefully people won't mind if I miss a few days blogging if they get better researched posts eventually.


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