Friday, August 07, 2015

Second helping of Moose Kid Comics

The all-new digital humour comic Moose Kid Comics is back with issue 2. Jamie Smart's brainchild features a line up of top UK talent and is now available free to either read online or download from

This issue is packed with quality strips from creators such as Gary Northfield, Laura Howell, Emily Kimbell, Alan Ryan, Aaron Blecha, Craig Knowles, Wilbur Dawburn, Roger Langridge, Vincent Woodcock and many more. Critics of today's comics, who claim the UK doesn't have the talent it used to, seriously need to look at this compilation of modern funnies.

The accent of the comic is on energetic, anything-can-happen fun, and all the creators involved have delivered some great pages. One particular favourite of mine was Laura Howell's Flora and Fauna, which has a well deserved dig at the blinkered attitude of some toy companies.
Flora and Fauna Copyright © Laura Howell 2015
Rather than following formula, Moose Kid Comics has its own identity with the creators doing their own thing. It works well. Don't miss out! Read it today!


  1. This will be going on the kids tablets tomorrow. Looks great!

  2. Yes. I was sure I'd mentioned Tom Paterson as a contributor but I see I didn't.


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