Wednesday, September 02, 2015

ICE: Who's doing what and where this weekend

Comic conventions in the UK began in Birmingham back in 1968, and from that day onwards have continued more or less every year in various locations around Britain. These days there are more events than it's possible to attend, as they often clash because there just aren't enough weekends in a year to accommodate them all! 

It's impossible to gauge how important conventions have been for the comics community over the decades; solid friendships have been made, even romance and marriage, deals have been struck, new creators have been inspired, and, more often than not, a good time has been had by all. Conventions have changed people's lives, and created a community where fans and creators can interact in an informal environment. Hats off to convention organizers! Yay!

This weekend sees the International Comics Expo (ICE) in the city where it all began, Birmingham. There's a lot of guests attending, and plenty going on, so I thought I'd show a few pages from the official programme here as a guide for those of you attending. Click images to see them much larger. Here we go, firstly with the floor plans of where you'll find us. 

Here's the timetable for Saturday's events...

ICE takes place on Saturday 5th September, and the following day there's the related Comics Uncovered event at the same venue. 

Here's the timetable for Sunday's Comics Uncovered events...

The venue is The Studio in Cannon Street, right in the city centre and very easy to get to from Birmingham New Street Station. About five minutes walk at most, if you exit New Street Station from Stephenson Street. Here's a grab of the Google map of the area to help:

For all the details on ticket prices etc, see the official website here:

Whether you're a first timer or a convention veteran I hope to see you there! Please drop by my table on the third floor for a sketch and/or a chat. 


  1. Meant to thank you for the Lennier picture you did me, Lew. Hopefully - if you're still at Thought Bubble - I'll be able to get a companion piece from you there.

  2. You're welcome, John. It made a change to draw something different. I've never been invited to the Thought Bubble shows I'm afraid so I won't be there.


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