Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Surface Tension concludes

The final issue of the excellent mini-series Surface Tension is scheduled to be published this week from Titan Comics. Writer/artist Jay Gunn has crafted a fantastic story with some stunning artwork. A perfect example of the high standard of UK comics that are around these days.

Surface Tension is an engaging sci-fi mystery thriller about 'Sea Sickness' sweeping the world, compelling 99% of the human population to walk into the sea, compelled by strange coral structures, where they then dissolve. Two people return, changed. And then things get even weirder.

The story reads like a mature, more sophisticated modern-day version of the sort of engaging thrillers that would appear in Valiant or Lion in the glory days of UK adventure comics. As it's set on the island of Breith, amongst a small community of survivors, it has more of a timeless feel about it than if it was set in an urban city. 

This is quality stuff, and I'll be interested to see what creator Jay Gunn does next. Surface Tension No.5, on sale 30th September from comic speciality shops, $3.99 (about £3.15). A trade paperback collection will follow.

Titan Comics website: http://titan-comics.com/

Jay Gunn's Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/JayGunnArts


  1. Great series which I've really enjoyed. Jay's just announced on his FB page that there are distribution issues and the final installment may be out a week late........I think he's just making us suffer more with anticipation!

  2. Annoying when distributors hold things up like that. Let's hope it's out soon.


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