Monday, October 05, 2015

A Brick-tastic response!

I'm very pleased to say that my self-published comic Brickman Returns! is still selling well. I sent off a stack of copies last week and another batch of orders (above) were received over the weekend which I've just dispatched. Those of you who ordered it recently should receive your copies tomorrow. Once again, my thanks to all of you for supporting this venture.
For those of you new to my work who might be wondering who Brickman is, he's zillionaire Loose Brayne, who was stuck for something to do one night when suddenly a brick was lobbed through his window! Naturally, as it's a comic strip it instantly inspired him to become... the Brickman! Yes, it's a Batman parody, but the daftest parody you'll ever see.

The 32 page comic features:

Brickman Returns! The 20 page saga that originally ran in the USA in Image Comics' Elephantmen comic in 2006 to 2009. Now collected into one comic for the first time, the full colour adventure kicks off by recounting Brickman's origin and early days in a new spin on the old stories, before bringing us up to the present to find out what happened to our hero after the events of Brickman Begins! Co-starring Brickman's partner Tina Trowel and special guest star Combat Colin! 
Speaking of the bobble-hatted buccaneer brings us to the back up strips:

Combat Colin! A three page classic from 1989 where Colin and loyal assistant Semi-Automatic Steve first encountered their deadliest nemesis, The Brain! 
Suburban Satanists! The long-running strip that originally appeared in Norway and Sweden finally comes to the UK! The De Ville family just like to bond over their hobby. It's just that their hobby involves devil worship! 
Plus: A feature on the history of Brickman over the last 36 years!

Brickman Returns! is a limited edition, full colour, one-off 32 page comic on quality paper that you can buy directly from me for £4.50 plus postage. Support British comics! You can order a copy via my online shop:

I'll also be selling copies at Comic Con Leicester next Sunday, 11th October. If you're attending, drop by my table!


  1. Glad to read it's still selling Lew - for those still pondering about buying it I can recommend it 100% its a great package lots of stories, great art and a fun read.

  2. Hi Lew, I haven't read mine yet as I've just finished Brickman Begins which was a real hoot! Its great to sit down & read a fun book like this and find yourself laughing out loud as you turn the page! I have a few parody comics from the US but they aren't a patch on this and I loved the "classic" old one liners used throughout - pure genius. The interview with Richard Starkings also had me in stitches and of course, gud ole Combat Colin - another inspired creation! It was great to meet you in person at the ICE Expo aswel & many thanks for signing both books for me - treasured possesions for a lifetime!

  3. Thanks Richard! I'm really pleased you liked it. I hope you'll enjoy Returns too. Thanks for dropping by my table and buying them at ICE! An excellent event.


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