Monday, October 12, 2015

Let Zygons be Zygons

Here's an advance look at the cover for Doctor Who Magazine No.492, which will be on sale this Thursday, 15th October. 

A new comic strip begins, with 12 pages of The Highgate Horror, an appropriately supernatural tale for this time of year. Script by Mark Wright with excellent art by David Roach, coloured by James Offredi. 

There's also a new Daft Dimension strip by me...

...and of course loads of features including previews of upcoming episodes, background info on previous stories, interviews, news, reviews, and more. 

This issue has an extra eight pages for no extra cost. That's 92 pages for only £4.99. 

More details will appear on the official Doctor Who Magazine website in a day or two:

Personally I think the current series has been excellent so far, and I'm looking forward to the next 8 episodes (plus the now-traditional Christmas Day special of course). Saturday's episode was a cracker, with the cherry on the cake being Peter Capaldi's guitar addition to the opening theme. If you missed the rocked-up theme, the BBC have released it on You Tube for free. Here it is. Play it LOUD!



  1. Where did you get the Zygons joke from, Lew? Only I made that joke up years ago. Did you also make if up yourself? Do great minds think alike? Whatever, it's very pleasing for me to read it as a headline.
    ( Fame, at long last, my 15 minutes are here....)

  2. I went back in time and nicked it from you John, on my way to buy the Daily Mirror in 1965.


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