Thursday, October 08, 2015

Pudding and Chips

It's been a while since I looked at the 'golden age' of British comics so here's the cover to Chips No.2690, dated October 17th 1942. During those wartime years Chips (and many other comics) were published on alternate Wednesdays instead of weekly, so this is the issue that was published on Wednesday October 14th, 73 years ago.

The cover strip, Weary Willie and Tired Tim is by Percy Cocking, beautifully drawn and capturing the environment of those long-ago days. The final panel, as almost always, features a slap-up feed, but only for one of the comical tramps this time! 


  1. What fantastic art Lew, but this cover must, even in 1942, have looked really old fashioned. The Beano and Dandy were around for a few year at that stage.

  2. That's a fair point. Amalgamated Press were always a bit behind the times at this stage. It was probably that reluctance to change that ended several of their comics in the early fifties.


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