Sunday, November 29, 2015

Back soon!

My apologies for not posting for several days. I'm quite busy at the moment but regular posts will resume soon. I have a stack of new comic books to review and plug, although as we're living in such a vibrant time for the UK comics industry it's not possible to keep up with everything. I'll also be blogging about plenty of vintage comics again soon too of course. Stay tuned!


  1. Anyone here have any idea where I can get scans of the latest Beano? My usual source has screwed up this weeks uploads. MX

  2. "we're living in such a vibrant time for the UK comics industry". I don't know, Lew- I figure that while it's great that there are so many small press UK comics out there, and that we have our Toxics and Titans, I'm not really convinced that any near as many people in the UK can make an actual living through comics like they use to be able to- unless you know different?

    If you're take on the matter is that making a living through the medium is inconsequential, and that it is the quality and variety of available product that counts, I would ask if you would still view the industry with such aplomb if all your work through Toxic, Doctor Who and any other work for hire projects dried up, and you had to survive on your creator owned material?

  3. I was referring to the number of comics and graphic novels coming out including mainstream and indie. If you've seen the number of titles available at conventions you'll know the industry is buzzing at the moment.

    True, there are no doubt less of us making a living solely out of comics now compared to years ago but ask around at conventions and there are still a lot of people in this business. Yes, some also do non-comics illustration work, or freelance for companies overseas, but that has always been the case.


    Anon, I do not support piracy. The Beano is only £2.50. Buy it. Anyone who downloads illegal pirated copies when the comics are still available adds another nail into the coffins of comics and creators. Such pirates are scumbags.

  4. You never answered his question Lew. Would you feel different towards the 'industry' if you were one of the many struggling to find work in it? It's easy to have an I'm all right Jack attitude when you're getting work.

  5. That's not really what ChanneZeroX was asking, Anon. However, I hope I wouldn't feel any different about the industry. I'm pleased when creators are doing well. I resent you thinking I have an "I'm all right Jack attitude" as anyone who knows me will tell you that couldn't be further from the truth. There have been times when I have struggled in this business, as have many people, but I don't blame the industry when things don't work out and I've never been complacent when things have gone well.

  6. Thanks for your feedback, Lew. I don't know if I agree on how rosy things are for *mugs at camera* '...the industry...' but I appreciate your steadfast enthusiasm, which never fails to inspire.

  7. I know the situation isn't as healthy as it was decades ago, but nor is it as bleak as some people claim it is. I've even read some sources that boldly state that the UK has no comics industry. That's clearly misleading and frankly untrue. I don't know if you attend any of the many conventions in the UK but I stand by what I said about how "vibrant" the current scene is.


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