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Monday, December 21, 2015

Another Christmas Phoenix!

I reviewed the Christmas issue of The Phoenix the other day (see here) but today I discovered the next issue will have a festive theme too! The Phoenix No.208 has an excellent Christmas cover by Jamie Smart for his festive Looshkin story inside. 

I understand that subscribers have already received their copies (or soon will), although for people buying it off the shelf (like me) the issue won't be in WH Smith until the weekend. 

My thanks to Jamie Smart for letting me use his photograph of this issue. Great cover!


PhilEdBoyce said...

TWO Christmas issues? Kids today, they're so spoilt! I remember when we'd only get one and our New Years issue would arrive before Christmas Day.

Fantastic cover by Jamie as always there too.

Lew Stringer said...

I remember there were two Christmas issues each for Smash! and Wham! in 1966, but if course that was back in the Stone Age. :) (Pages from those issues are in past Christmas posts from a few years ago.)

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