Thursday, December 10, 2015

Kickstart A Christmas Carol

Long-established artist Joe Matthews is looking for backers for his new UK graphic novel project. Together with Dave McClusky he intends to adapt Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol into comics form to go on sale for next Christmas.

You may remember Joe as the artist and publisher of Funny Monsters Comic that I've promoted on my blog in the past. A superb cartoonist, this new project looks like his best work yet! Although A Christmas Carol has of course been adapted into strip form before, this new version does it in rhyme. Almost all of the 80 pages are already pencilled, and Joe plans to ink and colour it throughout the first six months of 2016 so it will be ready well in time for next Christmas. 

As with any Kickstarter project, there's a range of pledges you can choose, with the incentives being that the more you pledge, the more you receive in bonus items. This sounds like a very worthwhile book to support and you have until January 1st to pledge. You can find out all the details at this link:

Best wishes to Joe for a successful campaign! 

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