Monday, December 14, 2015

Luis Bermejo Rojo 1931 - 2015

I'm very sorry to hear of the passing of Spanish artist Luis Bermejo Rojo, who has died at the age of 84. Some of his many comic strips included work in War Picture Libraries for the UK and Creepy for the USA. I knew his style through the pages of Fantastic in 1967 when he illustrated The Missing Link, the Hulk-like creature who, after several weeks, evolved into the British superhero Johnny Future. In all, the strip ran for 51 weeks, with Bermejo producing top class artwork every time, making it a favourite of many readers (myself included).

John Freeman has a more thorough tribute to the artist on the Down the Tubes blog, which you can read at this link:

My condolences to Mr.Berjemo's family and friends at this sad time. 


  1. Sad news even at 84 - He was certainly one of the very best comic strip artist working in UK and US comics. I always picked up any comic/ mag with Luis Bermejo's art in it and have a fair selection of his Warren strips. We never really got many issue of "Fantastic" (or Terrific) in my house back in the day so I didnt really remember this until I was in my mid / late teens and read about it via Fanzines and tracked down a few isuses with the "Missing Link" etc in them - amazing stuff antoher legend for the "old days" gone not many left now sadly.

  2. His work looked very fresh and modern to me in the sixties, more than most of his contemporaries. Thanks for commenting, Paul.

  3. Awh, Lew, that's sad news and at this time of year. I absolutely love his clear art on the Missing Link/JF (even though I never appreciated it as a boy).
    It should be Graphic Novelised.
    Even more so now, as a tribute!

  4. Luis Bermejo, un autor español de enorme calidad. Un maestro.
    Un saludo desde España.

  5. Gracias por comenta usted. Estoy de acuerdo. Excelente artista.

    Some STUNNING examples of Luis' art on Jesus' blogpost here, readers!

  7. Sad news indeed. I saw it on FB yesterday and was immediately transported back to my 14 year old self in 1967.He was a fine artist.

  8. John Pitt (above)- Johnny Future has been collected as a GN. You can order it from

  9. That's Captain Future, John. Different character.


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