Monday, January 18, 2016

A great comic every week!

The Beano, 2000AD, The Phoenix... the last remaining UK weekly comics? No, there's also Aces Weekly! The online comic anthology began its 20th volume last week and the second issue in that volume goes live this Monday night.

Every issue features six stories; some parts of serials, some complete, and the best thing is the strips are all new! And each seven issue volume only costs £6.99. Works on any computer and on tablets. 

Thinking it's too late to hop aboard? No worries; as it's an online comic all the previous volumes are still available. What are you waiting for? Go for Aces Weekly today!

If you'd prefer it as a digital download, the first ten volumes are available to buy on Comixology. Don't miss out on this award-winning comic!


  1. Hi Lew, just got caught up reading all the blogs and just wanted to say how much I enjoyed all your Xmas Comics!

  2. Thanks John. It makes all the scanning worthwhile when people comment.


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