Saturday, January 09, 2016

A nice bit of Bax

Here's a Leo Baxendale illustration that was published 50 years ago this week, in Wham! No.83, dated 15th January 1966. A nice lively advert for that week's issue of Eagle and its free gift.

I'm wondering if this illustration had also appeared in Eagle, perhaps in colour? The reason that occurs to me is that some areas have blotchy grey bits that are similar to the result of trying to bleach out colour areas for black and white reproduction. Does anyone know if this was the case?    


  1. It was only in b&w in Eagle - indeed it's reproduced in Vol 2 (ie the 1960s one) of The best of Eagle Annual which came out in 2009.

  2. Thanks. I have that book but I still haven't read it!

  3. Thanks, as always, for wonderful memories, Lew. I remember the Morse transmitter; haven't, of course, thought about it for the best part of 50 years, but it all comes back to me now; not having anyone to transmit to (and not knowing Morse, unsurprisingly), but still...

  4. You're welcome, Mike. Reawakening fond memories is part of the reason I do this blog so I'm pleased it worked.


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