Wednesday, February 03, 2016

Conventions 2016

I've posted this info on my other blog but as more of you visit this one I thought I'd post it here too. This is a list of conventions I've been invited to this year. I'm doing a few more than usual this year so if you can make it to any of them please drop by my table for a sketch or just for a chat. (It's always good to meet people who read my strips.) I'll be bringing copies of Brickman Returns! to the events, along with any new comics I publish this year. I'll be adding a couple more dates to this list soon too. 

It's hard to believe that several years ago we only had one comics convention a year, if we were lucky! Now there's at least one event, often more, practically every weekend of the year. The current UK comics community has never had it so good and these events are great to forge new friendships, meet up with old friends, interact with the readers, promote new comics, or just soak up the atmosphere of the comics scene. See you there!

London Film and Comic Con: Spring
27th and 28th February 2016
Hammersmith Road,
W14 8UX.

Cardiff Film and Comic Con
5th and 6th March, 2016
Motorpoint Arena, Cardiff.

The Birmingham Comics Festival
Saturday 23rd April, 2016
Edgbaston Stadium, Birmingham.

Enniskillen Comic Fest
6th and 7th May, 2016
Enniskillen, Northern Ireland

Manchester Film and Comic Con
21st and 22nd May, 2016.
Event City.
Phoenix Way,
Barton Dock Road,
M41 7TB.

Lancaster Comics Day
Sunday June 5th, 2016.
(Not much info about this so far so stay tuned!)

London Film and Comic Con
29th to 31st July 2016.
Hammersmith Road,
W14 8UX.

Bristol Comic Expo
Saturday August 6th, 2016.
Double Tree by Hilton,
Redcliffe Way, Bristol.

ICE (The International Comic Expo)
Saturday September 10th, 2016.
The Studio, Cannon Street, Birmingham.


  1. Hi Lew

    Thanks for the heads-up on these, I hope to attend some of these this year and speak to you in person- which will seem weird given that I've been reading your stuff since the 80s Marvel UK days.

    Slightly off topic, I was wondering if you have ever tried marketing your creator-owned characters into non-comics merchandise, and if so what your experience has been (and if not, could you mention why? If the world isn't ready for Combat Colin toothpaste and Brickman Pez dispensers, then stop the train- I wanna get off!).

  2. Merchandising isn't something I've ventured into but it's a possibility for the future. The priority at the moment regarding my characters is to get them all back into print, then maybe do a few merchandised items later. I'll see how it goes.

    It'd be good to meet you at a con. Hope you can make it.


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