Tuesday, March 08, 2016

A Weekend in Wales

There was a time a few years ago when I'd take dozens of photographs at conventions and select the best for a review here. Unfortunately I didn't have much time at the last two shows to take many shots. I was in Wales at the weekend for the Cardiff Film and Comic Con and I'm afraid you'll have to be content with this one shot of our tables as we were setting up on Sunday morning prior to the doors opening. 

Having said that, I must emphasize that I really enjoyed the Cardiff show. It was great to catch up with fellow Beano pals Nigel Parkinson and Nika Nartova again. I was seated between the Beano crew and Dan Slott, who has been doing great work writing The Amazing Spider-Man for the last eight years and is also doing fantastic work on the Silver Surfer now. It was good to spend time with him as I've been a fan of his writing for years. Further down the row was Stan Sakai, who I haven't seen since a Raptus con in Norway in 1999 and The Etherington Brothers who do superb work for The Phoenix

I didn't hesitate in buying a copy of Long Gone Don, a 64 page graphic novel by The Etherington Brothers collecting the first series from The Phoenix which they signed for me (and Lorenzo did me a quick sketch of the character). I was also pleased when Dan Slott gave me a signed copy of his first Silver Surfer graphic novel, New Dawn, illustrated by Michael Allred. Superb stuff!

My thanks to everyone who dropped by my table over the weekend. It's always good to meet people who have followed my work over the years. Interestingly, Sunday was busier for me than Saturday. I sold out of all the copies of Brickman Begins! I'd taken with me and only had a few copies left of Brickman Returns! (I still have copies in stock though if you wished to order them directly from me here:
http://www.lewstringer.com/page7.htm )

Thanks also to Mike Conroy and Cassandra Conroy for their hospitality at London and Cardiff. See you again in Manchester!

The next show I'm attending will be Stoke Con Trent on Sunday 17th April. Details here:

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