Thursday, March 24, 2016

Civil War revisited

On April 7th Panini UK are adding a new comic to their line of Marvel reprint monthlies. Civil War No.1 will be a 100 page special, representing the 2006 story that inspired the upcoming movie Captain America: Civil War

The story by Mark Millar and Steve McNiven was originally a seven-issue mini series in the USA and was reprinted in the Panini UK comics several years ago. I'm presuming this new title will have an even shorter run, as a 100 page first issue will easily use up three or four issues of material. Even so, it's a good idea to have a comic relating to a major movie, and in a relatively cheap format rather than a graphic novel. 

Civil War No.1 goes on sale April 7th, available in WH Smith and selected newsagents. 


  1. Unfortunately it's one of the worst marvel comics ever made.

  2. Thanks for this, Lew.

    I look forward to revisiting one of my favourite Marvel Comics arcs of the modern era (has it really been almost a decade?).

    It will probably be only a few issues' worth of material, but I'd like Panini Comics to do this again with other arcs. It's a big ask, but I'd like to see Age of Apocalypse re-released in Panini Comics format. Or, if I may be less ambitious, House Of M.

  3. Yes, it would be good to see more limited series in this format wouldn't it Stephen? I doubt they'll do Age of Apocalypse though, despite the new X-Men movie being inspired by it, or we would have heard about it by now. House of M should be coming up in the relaunched Graphic Novel Collection soon I think.

  4. Stephen Parry said...
    Thanks for this, Lew.

    I look forward to revisiting one of my favourite Marvel Comics arcs of the modern era (has it really been almost a decade?).

    It will probably be only a few issues' worth of material, but I'd like Panini Comics to do this again with other arcs. It's a big ask, but I'd like to see Age of Apocalypse re-released in Panini Comics format. Or, if I may be less ambitious, House Of M.

    Friday, 25 March 2016 at 21:05:00 GMT

    probably be a bit more than you think, if they do this properly and reprint with all the x-overs in the right order, thats 131 issues, but as I have said to Panini already, when finished, start doing all the x-over stories in this format, bang ongoing title...

  5. Lew Stringer said...
    Yes, it would be good to see more limited series in this format wouldn't it Stephen? I doubt they'll do Age of Apocalypse though, despite the new X-Men movie being inspired by it, or we would have heard about it by now. House of M should be coming up in the relaunched Graphic Novel Collection soon I think.

    Friday, 25 March 2016 at 21:19:00 GMT

    I believe they went with Civil War, not just because of the film, but they have Civil War II in comics at the moment, so trying to drum up interest in that as well.


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