Sunday, March 27, 2016

The Easter WHAM! (1966)

Wham! was one of the liveliest, funniest comics of the 1960s, - or any decade, come to that. Here's a few pages from issue No.95, dated 9th April 1966, which was the Easter edition for that year. The Tiddlers on the cover was a strip originated by Leo Baxendale, but by this time it was being 'ghosted' by other artists such as Mike Lacey, who drew this one.

The Tiddlers continued on to the back page in black and white...

There were a few strips using the Easter theme inside too, such as General Nitt and his Barmy Army, drawn by Terry Willers...

The Humbugs were later reprinted in IPC's version of Smash! as The Terrible Twins. Here they are under their original name. Again, it's by someone imitating Leo Baxendale's style but I'm not sure who. Possibly Mike Lacey again...

Lastly for this Easter selection, a fantastic two page Georgie's Germs strip very nicely illustrated by Cyril Price...

Were you a reader of Wham! and the other Odhams weeklies? Or are you experiencing them for the first time here? Do you have any thoughts to share about these comics, pro or con? Feel free to comment below...


  1. No comment about the Easter Dalek the Tiddlers have?

  2. WHAM! was an excellent comic. Who do you think substituted Ken Reid on Frankie Stein in that issue?

  3. I'm sure someone discovered his name but I can't remember now, Irmantas.

    Manic, those little Daleks cropped up in Wham! several times around that time so I didn't think to mention it.

  4. Ah, I don't have any issues of Wham, sadly, nor do I remember (at the moment) many Dalek or doctor Who references.. probably knew already but didn't come to mind. happens too much these days..

  5. I didn't start getting Wham until Christmas 1966 so this issue's new to me. I see there's no guest reader in the Tiddlers strip, any idea when that started Lew?

  6. A few issues later I think, Mel. I'll have to check.

    it's a shame you missed Wham when it was on better paper (like TV21). It changed to newsprint a few weeks after this one.

  7. Hi Lew,
    I'm a life-long Power comics fan. Jumped onto the bandwagon when my mate next door showed we Fantastic no.23 which completely hooked me. It was my first into to Marvel as well. Spend the next nearly 50 years completing my collection, finally finished when I recently aquired the Smash Fun Book 1971. I had to play a big catch-up with Wham as it had been running for a few years by 1966-7, but managed to purchase a set of ex-Odhams file copies. These are fascinating as they have little paste-its with how much the artist, lettered, colourist was paid for their work. I'll have to send you some scans on these as I think you'll also find them of interest. Love all your Power posts keep 'em coming Lew.
    Cheers, Peter

  8. Did you complete your Wham collection? That's the only Power Comic where I have a few gaps but I'm not that bothered about completing it now. I estimate it'd cost me hundreds to buy the 40 or so missing issues so I think I'll put that money to better use. :)

  9. Hi Lew, Yes I did, but I have yet to read all of them! If you need any info or scans relating to the ones you're missing just let me know! Alternatively, let me know which ones you need and I'll leave them to you in my will! You are the guardian of the Power comics legacy as far as the Web is my humble opinion! Keep up the great work Lew!
    Cheers Peter

  10. That's very kind, although you're assuming you'll peg out before me which might not be the case. :) Speaking of wills, that's something I really need to sort out myself. I have no family so I should make sure my house and possessions go to friends I care about. Blimey, depressing isn't it?


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