Saturday, April 16, 2016

See you at Stoke Con Trent!

Here's the floor plan of where you'll find us all at Stoke Con Trent tomorrow (Sunday 17th April). I'll be doing sketches and bringing along copies of Brickman Returns so drop by my table, even if its just for a chat. It's always good to meet readers. 

It's a great guest list which includes Mike Collins, Simon Donald, Peter Davison, Claudia Christian, Colin Baker, Nicola Bryant and many more! See you there!
More info:


  1. I was reading your team toxic strip and I noticed a familiar looking troll. Then I realised that you had also drawn Derek the troll for WARLOCK mag back in the 1980's !

  2. Yes, I tend to draw all trolls with a long spotty nose. I imagine they're all like that, even today.

    Derek will return!


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