Wednesday, May 04, 2016

Busy times!

I know some of you are anxious to know when I'll be covering more old UK comics but I'm afraid I haven't a lot of spare time at present. As you know (unless you don't read the sidebar) writing and drawing comics is my full time job and in addition to that I'm also attending a lot of conventions this year. This doesn't leave me much spare time for researching and scanning old comics at present but this blog will get back on track soon, even if it's only one post of that nature every now and then. Meanwhile, I'll continue updating it with brief news items and hopefully throw in the occasional look at vintage comics when I have time. 

Today I sent off my Daft Dimension contribution to Doctor Who Magazine No.500. I'm not going to reveal anything about my strip until it's published on May 26th other than to say I had a ball with it and it's the daftest Daft Dimension yet! DWM 500 will consist of not one but two 116 page magazines, boxed with various goodies. And the content... you'll be amazed. Spoilers! 

This weekend I'm in Northern Ireland for the Enniskillen Comic Fest along with my Beano pals Laura Howell and Hunt Emerson, plus other top guests such as Glenn Fabry, Phil Winslade, Steve Yeowell and more! Looking forward to meeting readers who haven't been able to get over for cons in England. In a couple of weeks I'll be in Manchester for the Film and Comic Con, then it's Lancaster Comics Day, and events in Macclesfield, Shrewsbury, London, Bristol, Birmingham... 

I'll be back soon so be good! In the meantime, check out Down the Tubes for all the latest news about the British comics industry...

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