Saturday, June 11, 2016

Here comes Bilious Barrage!

You've probably already read in the press that Judge Dredd is to encounter a Nigel Farage lookalike soon. Well, that story will appear in Judge Dredd Megazine No.373, on sale this coming Wednesday, 15th June. Written by Ian Edginton and illustrated by Dave Taylor (who also drew the cover above) the satirical poke at Farage is bound to be controversial. In my personal opinion any criticism of that odious politician's policies is well deserved. Read it for yourselves in Judge Dredd Megazine next week!


  1. Brilliant - good to see 2000AD hasn't lost its edge - I share your feelings about Mr Farage.

  2. Pity Judge Dredd wouldn't also sort out that other odious, pompous, arrogant clown, Boris Johnson. Unfortunately, he and Farage may well have convinced enough gullible nitwits to vote Leave.

  3. Agreed, Colin. Unfortunately I think the UK is in for a rough time whatever the outcome, as the EU will possibly make an example of us for even thinking about leaving, but I for one will vote Remain.

  4. What a shame an otherwise exceptional blog has been reduced to political agenda. I come here to read about comics, not to be swayed one way or another. I can make up my own mind, as, I suspect, can other followers.

  5. I'm not trying to "sway" anyone, and if your own politics are firm enough you won't be affected by my personal opinion either way so I don't see the point of your complaint. What a shame you had to resort to an anonymous comment on something you feel so strongly about.

  6. @Colin Jones

    "Gullible nitwits"?

    I am neither gullible nor a nitwit so that is a pretty striking generalisation.

    In an unrelated aside, I take it that you believe World War III will break out if we leave then?


  7. No, of course not but I know Johnson, Farage and co are making ridiculous promises that they can't deliver.

  8. Everyone will vote as they see fit, to hope for the best outcome, but I really don't see the Brexit vote leading to a better Britain.

  9. Mr.Stringer I'm puzzled as to why someone who does a blog that is so pro-UK would now have low regard for true champions of our country. Mr.Farage wants a strong and independent Britain! Who knows, a BrExit could mean a return to a proper British comics industry like we had BEFORE we joined up with Europe. Newsagents with shelves fully stocked with modern equivalents of the Hotspur, the Warlord, the Topper, the Lion!! A vote for BrExit is worth that alone!

  10. Anon, I've never been patriotic and the only reason I focus on UK comics is because so few blogs do that. I want to highlight good comics and near-forgotten creators because they deserve to be remembered, not because of their country of origin.

    As for Farage being a "champion", and Brexit leading to a revival of traditional style comics; pie in the sky on both counts. The old style of comics virtually died out last century. Today we have a new breed of British comics to celebrate. Comics like Hotspur are no more likely to return than comics like Funny Wonder or Comic Life. British comics have always evolved to survive, not pander to some nostalgic periods of their history.

    If you post again, please use your name.

  11. I'm obviously more than happy for "anon" to have his views on Brexit but sorry, to say that Mr Farage is a "champion of this country" is beyond ridiculous (I'll end it there as I may say too much on him and his party)-

    The comment that a Brexit could lead to the return of a proper British comics industry like we had BEFORE we joined up with Europe is typical of the claims (from both side to be fair) based on nothing more than just stating something would be better than it was pre the EU based on absolutely no data or information - and in this case it is just a vacuous statement that is 100% wrong – based on this theory by staying in the EU it will mean Scotland will win 2020 and I will win the lottery.

    A Brexit for me would not be good for anyone in the UK, but I fear it may happen.

  12. I'm finding it quite depressing that so many think Farage is making a positive contribution to anything. I've just posted a comment directly to him on Twitter as he's now saying Bob Geldof was attacking fishermen yesterday. No, Geldof was making comments specifically about Farage, not the fishermen. How easy Farage twists reality to suit his own ends, even when what actually happened was broadcast on TV to millions!

    As for the type of comics Anon mentions, it's worth remembering that they were declining in sakes before we joined the EU.


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