Thursday, June 30, 2016

Titan launch SUICIDE SQUAD No.1

Hoping to cash in on the popularity of the upcoming movie, Titan Comics have today launched Suicide Squad in their own 76 page monthly comic, available from WH Smith and various newsagents. To be more accurate, the full title of the comic is DC Legends: Suicide Squad, perhaps with the intention of changing the main feature at a later date.

The comic reprints three stories from DC Comics of recent years. As the PR says, "The Suicide Squad are sent on a mission to Moscow, but Harley Quinn is aggrieved by the sight of one of her teammates – the Joker’s Daughter, who’s wearing the face of her ex-love, the Joker! Meanwhile, master assassins Deathstroke and Deadshot butt heads over who’s the best – but reluctantly have to join forces."

Titan will also be launching a Harley Quinn comic in two weeks' time, on 14th July, bringing the range of British DC Comics back to seven titles. (Sadly, Batman continues to be missing in action in some branches of WH Smith, and isn't even on Smith's ordering system. Titan have been made aware of the problem which has now been ongoing for at least five months.)


  1. Titan Comics has used the DC Legends name before. DC Legends: Wonder Woman so sounds you are right about the DC Legends name, Lew.

  2. Yes, it's probably a way to sell it to retailers without changing the computerised order number or something.

  3. The Suicide Squad title sounds good. I'll have a shufti in Smiths on my way home and see if I can snag a copy.

  4. I wish it luck. Little faith in Titan's CE line, if I'm honest.

    I was looking for the fourth issue of Supergirl for a while. Eventually, after much asking, Titan told me on Facebook it had been cancelled. They informed me they'd notified subscribers, but couldn't communicate with all readers. Couldn't communicate with all readers?! Perhaps they are unaware of the fact that you can do one of the following:

    Update their website more regularly
    Update their FB page more regularly (and have a Twitter feed)
    Inform readers of cancellations in the letters pages of their other titles

    Anyway, Suicide Squad is a good concept, but it's sad that, unlike previous DC licensees such as LEM/Fleetway/Panini, I have zero faith again. Can't help but think this'll be another one that'll disappear and, months later, Titan will update their FB page and let people know.

    Apologies for the cynicism, but their lack of communication and consistency has been a problem for a long time now.

  5. I tend to agree with you, Stephen. Titan are on the ball when it comes to sending out press releases but not so quick to acknowledge when they cancel a comic. It only creates bad feelings when readers waste time searching the shops for a comic that has been canned without their knowledge.

  6. Had a peek at Suicide Squad in Smiths today - in small print on the cover it says "Issue 1 of 3" - so looks like at the moment they are only planning as a limited series, and maybe extend the run if sales permit. Titan do tend to extend/shorten runs on a whim but looks like they are being up front about it this time.

    Also "Batman" seems to be back in WHSmiths up north for the past couple of months at least.

  7. Thanks for the update, Chris. It sounds a sensible move for Titan to only do three issues.

    Still no Batman in my Smiths, who claim it doesn't even exist! As I've said before, I think they deleted Batman instead of Batman Arkham from their system, as the latter is still on their computer. But the arrogance of the staff annoys me so much I only use the self-service checkout now. I'd prefer not to buy from Smiths at all, considering their behavior over the years, but they're the only shop that sell some titles I buy.

  8. I've had some bad experiences in WHSmith, too, but there are certain titles only available in those shows (including one that is a US title and wouldn't be cost-effective to subscribe to, what with international shipping).

    I'm glad Titan has been up-front about Suicide Squad as it'll prevent me from doing what I did previously, driving to different branches of WHSmith to search for Supergirl #4. They really do need to communicate better. Seems to be an issue with their magazines, too. Bi-monthly Star Trek Magazine had no issues between October 2015 and April 2016 - took me ages to find out why.

    A dedicated Twitter feed, or someone employed to more regularly update Facebook and their own site, would be a good start.

    As for the Batman issue, it's most frustrating.

  9. I managed to get the Batman issues from Nostalgia and Comics but now it's catching up with the Rebirth issues I'm just buying the US originals instead. I'm afraid I don't buy any Titan DC comics now but I agree it's frustrating for those who do.

  10. No sign of any Batman comics in my local Smiths now, no Suicide Squad yet either.

  11. The Batman situation has been sorted! Saw it in WHSmith today.

  12. Not in all branches, James. The ones around here still don't have it, and insist it doesn't exist. I've seen it elsewhere though.


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