Monday, August 22, 2016

DWM 503 cover revealed

Panini UK have just released a preview of the cover to Doctor Who Magazine No.503, which will be in the shops this Thursday (26th August). Packed with interviews and features, the 84 page issue also features part three of The Pestilent Heart, a 12th Doctor comic strip by Mark Wright, Mike Collins, and David Roach. Plus there's another Daft Dimension strip by me, this time starring Daft Daleks!

Doctor Who Magazine No.503, on sale from 26th August.


  1. Is it really 2th September, or do you mean August?

  2. Is the on sale date really 26th September, or do you mean August?

  3. Aha! Thanks for spotting my mistake. Sorry, I had Septrmber on the brain because they're the comics I'm working on now. Corrected it now. Thanks again!


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