Friday, August 05, 2016

Dylan Teague joins Aces Weekly

Code Name D © 2016 Dylan Teague
Cardiff-based Dylan Teague has always been an ace artist, but now he's an Aces artist, as he's joined the ranks of Aces Weekly! I'm actually a bit late reporting this as the third episode of Dylan's SF saga Code Name D is already online. (Things move fast in weekly comics!) Don't worry though; you haven't missed out, because the previous issues are also available. That's the beauty of online comics, - they never go out of print or sell out! In fact all 23 volumes of Aces Weekly are always available, at any time of day or night, - as fresh as ever!
Code Name D ©2016 Dylan Teague

Back to the latest volume though, and here's publisher David Lloyd to give it a plug:

"£1.  Less than the price of a cup of coffee gets you Dylan Teague, Paul Rainey, Jeffrey Vaughn, Roberto Corroto Cuadrado , Ertito Montana, Jok LP, Rodolfo Santullo, Marc James Michael Jackson, and The Art of Brendon and Brian Fraim, in 20 pages every week for 7 weeks and then as much as you like!  It's a revolution for readers and creators - and a no-brainer at  Sure.  I'm being blunt."

How can you resist? Subscribe to Aces Weekly today! (And remember that my Combat Colin is in some of the earlier issues too!)

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