Tuesday, August 23, 2016

New comic coming soon!

A small section of the cover.

I completed the work on my new self-published comic today and sent the pages to the printer a short time ago via the wonder of cyberspace. It's a 32 page one-off comic that collects some of my earliest published work. Hopefully it'll be printed in a couple of weeks in time to launch at ICE, the International Comic Expo in Birmingham. 

More news about it soon! 


  1. Some of the issues of Commando you post interest me to where I would like to pick them up. The only problem is I live in Canada and can't seem to find them over here.

  2. I think you've posted your comment on the wrong subject, John, but never mind. Commando is available on Comixology if you don't mind reading it digitally.


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