Sunday, September 25, 2016

Are you ready for the new look BEANO?

UPDATED: Britain's longest running comic, The Beano is having a revamp this Wednesday with a fresh new look and a modern new logo. As well as a boost to the weekly, the Beano website has also had a complete refresh. John Freeman at Down the Tubes has all the details so check out his blog here: 

As an aside, it's interesting that the prefix "The" has been dropped from the logo after 78 years. It was always a curiously old fashioned legacy of the story papers and the masthead carries more impact without it.

Look out for Beano No.3854, on sale Wednesday 28th September, still priced £2.50.

The Beano website:


  1. Cover layout reminds me of the 2004 Dandy revamp. They reused the 100% Funny tagline from Dandy's 2010 revamp as well. I'm pleased to see the issue number returned to the cover.

  2. mmm.. since i'm not a regular reader these days, I can't say too much.. main problem I have, which is what seamed to happen with the Dandy, is in the effect of keeping up with modern styles, it loses it's identity and becomes just the same as others, but with there own character names.. of course, this might have happened 30, 40 or more years ago.. it's just something that always bugs me about updates.

    As for the title... they have been downplaying 'the' for some time so it's not a major issue.. I can't see why change it but I can't see why keep it really.

  3. I think it looks very distinctive myself. I'm disappointed I'm not in it anymore but I wish it well.

  4. Cutting out the dead wood does wonders for growth. Beano! I'll buy it. When's it out?

  5. It'll have lots of competition soon when all the old Fleetway comics come back thanks to Rebellion! I wonder if Cor, Wow etc will have new looks too? I'd keep them as they were lol.

  6. Those comics are no more likely to return than the Funny Wonder or Comic Cuts.

  7. Looks vibrant. I'll definitely be picking one up for the kids (though I'll have a good look through first).

  8. Have faith Lew and those comics will be back Rebellion won't have bought them for nothing even if they only reprint one or two comics a week it'll be a start

  9. always think they should bring back the cover strip but oh well. If it does okay, then that is okay ^_^

    why do people think Rebellion would have the slightest interest in bringing out new comics to complete using old names and maybe characters..

  10. Seems some people have taken the Rebellion acquisition of those old titles too literally and think it means the actual comics will be republished. At best I think we might see selected old humour strips reprinted in books but there's no chance a failed comic like Wow! will have investment pumped into it to revive it as a weekly comic.

  11. If those old comics were viable for a proper revival, don't you think Egmont would've already tried it? They didn't even use any old characters in Toxic. Many of them would need modernisation, and in that case, they might as well use new characters, which is exactly what they did. Unlike the Beano's core characters, most of the ones in the comics Rebellion acquired are not household names either, simply because they launched years later. They could try out a summer special like the Dandy's, but there's no chance of any of the old titles coming back as a weekly. Rebellion's most likely cause of action is compilations in the form of graphic novels - something they're already doing with Misty.

  12. I'm not sure they'll even do a summer special, as those four specials that Egmont did a few years ago didn't meet with great success. (The classic comics of Roy of the Rovers, Battle, Misty, and Buster.)

    I think the main focus of the acquisition was to get Battle, Action, Tornado, Crisis, Misty, etc. The humour comics will be lower priority when it comes to collections. That said, I still think a collection of Ken Reid's Creepy Creations, World Wide Weirdies etc has potential in marketed right.

  13. I wonder how well the Classic reprint annuals that Sainsbury stock a couple of years back did.. I got a couple that interested me, Beezer, Whizzer and Chips and Topper best of annuals.. other then collections which would more lean on adventure/action strips, all I think Rebellion might do is ones like that.. but like I said, I'm not sure how well they did.. I guess if they did okay for DC Thompson, that might give some reason.

    I wonder how much it would cost them to do year collections.. pretty pricey I think.. 1 year worth of beano for example, in one trade would be pretty big.. so a month or 'selected strips' is kinda the best to expect.

  14. Well, they didn't do any more of those 'Best of' annuals so I guess there's your answer. I remember that even though the books were only £3 each there were STILL some 'fans' holding out hoping to get them for a quid. Forget about compilations of a years worth of comics. There just aren't enough genuine supporters of vintage UK comics to make it viable.

  15. yeah.. I expected as much. a lot of people say 'they'll buy/support something' until it comes time to put there hand in there pocket.. okay some people have more money then others but if they just plain can't afford, then why lie and say you can...

  16. Of course all the old comics will return - thanks to Brexit everything that was great about Britain will be restored, hurrah !!! Apparently pounds, shillings and pence will be coming back too - none of that foreign decimal money for us !!

  17. ehuh... personally I don't think this is the place for political ranting but each to there own..

    what I was going to say was, I doubt anyone is interested but the Best of 70s Girls Comics (Misty, Judy and I can't remember which others.. Tammy was one I think) annual collection is in the Hastings Poundland (which features more and more stuff for sale at over a pound the last few years).. as I was on the subject earlier, I think it's quite apt.. £7.99 RRP mark, for £1.. thinking about picking up a copy. I find the odd article reprint about clothing and fashion to be just as much a pain as ones about Football.. but at least clothing is pretty much worn by everybody

  18. I hardly think Colin's jokey comment was a rant, Manic.

    You prove my point about those annuals. Even at a pound you hesitate to buy it, so what chance do they have?

    Anyway, this thread was supposed to be about new Beano.... :)

  19. I love that logo! It's both very reminiscent of the classic title and colours while being shiny and new. It's a nice touch. I wish it success and I hope it does well. Of course, it needs to bring you back into the fold Lew!

  20. Thanks, Phil. No arguments there. :) Having heard what's in it though I can see why there's no room for Pup Parade as the comic is now focusing squarely on its main characters, which makes sense for a relaunch. Things may be more flexible at a later date.


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