Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Details of this week's COMMANDO comics

Direct from D.C. Thomson, here's the press release for the four issues of Commando that are in the shops from today...

Commando Issues 4959-4962 - On Sale 20th October 2016

Commando - 4959 - Home Front Terror

Wounded on a daring operation in Occupied Norway, Commando Sergeant Jeff Tain was sent home to England to recuperate.
Jeff’s younger brother, Dave, was a police constable, investigating a black market racket when dead bodies unexpectedly started showing up.
The siblings were convinced that something more sinister was going on… an assassination plot involving German spies!

Story: George Low
Art: Morahin
Cover: Janek Matysiak

Commando - 4960 - Blood Of Heroes

Sergeant Butch Walker was a veteran with 30 years of fighting service in the British Army - and now they said he was too old to fight.
Boy soldier Jimmy Walker, Butch’s nephew, had barely one year of square-bashing to his credit. They said he was too young to fight.
But no matter how hard they tried, nobody could keep those two away from the front line for long. For in the veins of both ran the blood of heroes.

Story: Eric Hebden
Art: Segrelles
Cover: James

Introduction -
The impressive art of Vicente Segrelles appeared in fifteen Commando books, beginning with “Desert Fury” (No 232) and ending with “Silence The Guns!” (No 1454). All were published between 1966 and 1980.
A Spaniard, his interior work had a dramatic, fluid style with plenty of thick, black inks. SeƱor Segrelles also handled some Commando covers - although not on this occasion, that equally impressive piece of art was done by the mysterious ‘James’.

Scott Montgomery, Deputy Editor
Blood Of Heroes, originally Commando No 259 (May 1967), re-issued as No 915 (March 1975)

Commando - 4961 - The Stone Forest

Clarke Johnson was a reconnaissance pilot during America’s clash with Mexico in the early 20th Century. His aircraft grounded, Clarke found himself in an uneasy alliance with an Apache-born former U.S. Cavalryman and together they were fighting Pancho Villa’s Mexican revolutionaries.
Things looked bleak - as bleak as the eerie burial site that hid a treasure that men were willing to kill for. They would have to fight to survive and uncover the secret of… The Stone Forest!

Story: Steve Coombs
Art: Keith Page
Cover: Keith Page

Commando - 4962 - Raid By Night!

Tactics had changed, machines had improved, but Group Captain Roland Bird knew from his Great War experiences that efficiency came with practice and attention to detail. His new command could expect a hard taskmaster, especially the crew of Wellington S-Sugar, who had crashed his car at their first meeting.

Story: Ian Clark
Art: Terry Patrick
Cover: Ian Kennedy

Introduction -
Regular Commando readers know that Ian Kennedy is renowned for his legendary aircraft covers - although, of course, he can draw anything and everything. Ian himself has a passion for aeronautical illustration that has become his trademark and he has drawn over 1000 Commando covers.
His painting here is of a slightly more esoteric plane than we’re used to - a Handley Page 400, which was flown by pilots in the newly-formed Royal Air Force, as well as the Royal Naval Air Service late in World War I. The image may not be of something as immediately recognisable as a Wellington or a Lancaster but we still have that sense of drama and dynamism inherent in this amazing artist’s work.

Scott Montgomery, Deputy Editor
Raid By Night!, originally Commando No 2461 (April 1991)

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