Friday, October 28, 2016

My apologies....

I'm very sorry to say that I won't be at the Nottingham Comic Con tomorrow. I've had a virus the last few days and was hoping it would pass but no sign of that yet. I was looking forward to the con and really hate letting people down. I can only apologise to the organisers who have been great, and to those of you who were hoping to see me there. 

I hope all of you attending have a great day. There's a brilliant line up of guests including Laura Howell, Rachael Smith, Abigail Bulmer, The Etherington Brothers, Dan Berry, Roger Langridge and more. 


  1. Don't feel bad and work on getting better ^_^ always the best option.. not always easy to do but there you go

  2. Shame you weren't well enough to attend Lew, would have been nice to say hello and thank you for all your good work on the blog.

    You were scheduled to be on a panel about "Working for the big comic companies", and the parting question to the panel was "What character or series or other intellectual property, from comics, films, TV or any other media, would you most like to work on a SPINOFF of, if you got the opportunity?"

    What would you have answered?

    (The answer to beat so far is "Katie The Cat", spunoff as I'm sure you'll recognise immediately, from "Billy The Cat".)

  3. Hi Griff, It's an interesting question but I'm struggling to answer it. I've never had ambitions to write or draw other people's characters. It has happened of course, most recently with Pup Parade, and I enjoy it, and would accept any offered to me, but I don't have any unfulfilled yearnings to draw strips created by others. Perhaps something from my childhood, like The Nervs, or Grimly Feendish, would be fun to do. Or a humour- adventure version of The Iron Fish, giving it a Combat Colin style. Yeah, that.

  4. The Iron Fish looks awesome. Good answer!


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