Wednesday, November 09, 2016

America turns the clock back

While the world reels from the news of a bigoted, homophobic, narcissistic, thin-skinned man-child being voted as president of the United States, perhaps some comfort is that we can enjoy our escapism while it lasts. Today, Marvel Comics in the USA launch Avengers 1.1 by Mark Waid and British artist Barry Kitson. The story is set in the early days of The Avengers, when they had their first change in the line-up. Iron Man, Thor, Giant-Man and the Wasp have quit, leaving Captain America with ex-villains Hawkeye, Quicksilver and The Scarlet Witch to train as the new Avengers.

The five-issue miniseries fits into the continuity after Avengers No.16, which was published in 1965, but I doubt we'll see any sixties references due to the elasticated "Marvel time" that tends to update flashbacks to contemporary times.

Here are a few preview pages with great art by Barry Kitson. 

There are also variant covers, including this stunner by Alan Davis…

Avengers 1.1, on sale in comic shops in the USA and UK from today. 


  1. OH that looks right up my street - thanks for showing this Lew thats on my " to buy" list now.

  2. Looks good, doesn't it? I have a copy on order so it should arrive soon.

  3. We'll see how popular Trump is in a year or two when his pie-in-the-sky promises come to nothing or,even worse, when his protectionist policies have plunged America into recession. His blue collar fans won't be so keen on him when they're standing in the dole queue.

  4. I don't think they'll accept Trump was the cause, Colin. Trump will point the finger elsewhere to blame others, like nasty little gits like him always do, and his daft supporters will believe him.

  5. This looks terrific and I am looking forward to reading it on my iPad Pro on Marvel Unlimited,which has been a great find.
    Lew i love your site. I am a big fan of 60's/70's British comics especially Lion,Valiant and Thunder. My first comment here in 2-3 years of reading,really a thank you Lew for an excellent site.

  6. Thanks, Anon, but why be shy? The anonymous option is there for people who don't have a Google account but you can use your name if you wish. :)


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