Sunday, November 13, 2016

Dan Dare back for Christmas

The latest issue of Spaceship Away was published this week and it's another excellent edition. 40 full colour pages packed with strips and articles that are sure to please fans of British comics. 

As usual, there are episodes of two brand new Dan Dare serials created exclusively for this magazine. (Yes, despite some journalists ignoring Spaceship Away, it has been running officially licensed all-new adventures of the 'classic' version of Dan Dare for years.) This issue sees the concluding chapters of Mercury Revenant which ends with a marvellous traditional Christmas slap-up-feed panel wonderfully illustrated by Tim Booth. (No, I'm not showing it here. Buy the comic to see it in all its glory!)

There's also the final episode of Jet Morgan and the Space Pirates by Charles Chilton and Ferdinado Tacconi, reprinted from the 1950s and newly coloured.

The current Nick Hazard story, Planet of Doom, concludes this issue too. A reprint with great art by Ron Turner, newly coloured by Martin Baines. 

Plus there's a brand new humour strip, Daniel, by cartoonist Steve English. It's always good to see a humour page in the mag for balance.

There are some fantastic articles in this issue too. David Ashford writes about the appearances of Fifties strip Hal Starr, Space Adventurer, with plenty of artwork to accompany the text. There's also a great feature on the new Dan Dare audio adventures coming in December from Big Finish, and a five page interview with Dave Gibbons which is worth the cover price alone. 

Spaceship Away is an essential read for anyone interested in classic British comics (which presumably includes of you reading this blog). This latest issue (No.40) will be available from their website soon:

They also have a Facebook page:


  1. Ordered it Thursday afternoon and it arrived yesterday.

    Saving it to read over the Xmas holidays along with vol 2 of the 2000ad Dan Dare, assuming my will power holds out that long...

  2. What's the year of that Xmas Eagle? I can't see any date on it.

  3. I'm guessing you didn't read my post, Bren?

  4. I stumbled across the ezine Journey Planet's issue which covered Dan Dare's history.Nicely put together retrospective. Link here


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